Zoe and I just returned home from a 10 day trip to visit family in Texas - without Daddy... I was so nervous about flying with her by myself, but she couldn't have done better. She also adjusted well to being in the car for long stretches, since we literally drove ALL over Texas :). Since Zoe came along, I generally schedule our flights for the morning - to get it over with and because she is usually at her best in the morning. This time I experimented with an evening flight, hoping Zoe would sleep. Not a chance. She did fine but not only was she a little more cranky, but I was SO tired. I think we'll stick with mornings.
On a different note, Zoe is learning how to remove her clothing. I walked in to get her this morning and she had her pajama top on her head and the biggest smile on her face. Silly monkey!
What a cute picture! Also what a treat to have Kerri and Zoe visiting in Texas! We're looking forward to a return visit with Jonathan and Kerri and Zoe.
Our love and prayers to all three,
Love, Mama and Daddy
(Momaw and Pawpaw)
She is sooo cute, Ker!! Post more stories & pics! I love 'em. How did you keep her busy on the plane?
must have been just last night. pics are CUTE today! :) thanks for hanging out at the stores!
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