Riding on Daddy's shoulders on the way home from the Museum of Fine Arts (literally two blocks from our house!).
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Summer time in Boston
Riding on Daddy's shoulders on the way home from the Museum of Fine Arts (literally two blocks from our house!).
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Funny little things
Zoe is full of funny little sayings these days. A few examples:
On our local train, there are standard announcements they play at certain stops. The other day, we reached our stop and "Northeastern University" was announced. Zoe looks at me and says, just before the next announcement came on, "No smoking please. Doors open on the right."
Last week, Jonathan and Zoe were coming home from the playground. As usual, she was required to hold Daddy's hand when crossing the street. This led to the following pronouncement: "When I get bigger, I am going to cross the street by myself. Then I will go to the library all by myself and take the train home." I think it's pretty funny that, of all the places she could go in her big girl freedom, the library is the place she would choose.
On Friday, Zoe was playing very exuberantly at the end of her nap time. While I was putting her undies back on I asked her if she was full of beans. She said, "No, you are full of beans. I am full of cheese and Daddy is full of..... cake." Then after a moment's thought, she said, "No, I am full of cake, Daddy is full of cheese." Good call.
Friday, April 10, 2009
OK, so I need to get better about blogging! Zoe is growing so much and becoming such an interesting little person. I know that her grandmas, at least, are very interested in this process. Here are a few "tales" and photos for the interested.
Lately, Zoe has been showing an interest in money. She doesn't really understand what it's for, but she likes to give us pretend money all the time. In the car the other day, Zoe made some comment which I agreed with. She said "Thank you, Mommy. Here's some money." What a benevolent dictator :).

Here we are at the Boston Children's Museum. She really enjoyed these hands-on water activities. I got pretty into it myself! We went to the museum at a time that was discounted, so it was pretty crowded. There were lots of rowdy little boys running around, throwing things, pushing and shoving... I tend to get freaked out by these guys and think "Where are their parents?!" but Zoe is not phased by them a bit. She'll just watch them patiently and then get back to doing her own thing. I love that.
This picture is of Zoe and her favorite socks. She and Daddy like to pull them all the way up. Silly girl.
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